Friday 18 May 2007

John Piper Friday

"The church has not been spending its energy to go deep with the unfathomable God of the Bible. Against the overwhelming weight and seriousness of the Bible, much of the church is choosing, at this very moment, to become more light and shallow and entertainment-oriented, and therefore successful in its irrelevance to massive suffering and evil. The popular God of fun-church is simply too small and too affable to hold a hurricane in his hand. The biblical categories of God’s sovereignty lie like landmines in the pages of the Bible waiting for someone to seriously open the book. They don’t kill, but they do explode trivial notions of the Almighty."

Ten Aspects of God's Sovereignty Over Suffering and Satan's Hand in It. 2005 Desiring God National Conference. October 7, 2005.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I have been reading 'Suffering and the Sovereignty of God' edited by Piper and Jason Taylor, which explores this in detail. The book includes contributions from a variety of authors many of whom have experienced deep personal suffering. The chapter on The Grace of God in Suffering - Waiting for the Morning is a great read...'When we are in the pit of despair we must look around and see that only God can bring us out. There is no other hope. And what's more is that God himself is committed to bringing us out. He alone is holy and therefore he alone can help us. Yes, the night is long and the weeping is intense, but the morning is coming. And as we wait for the coming dawn, the return of the Son of God, we can know that we are not alone. Jesus himself endured the long night of weeping, and God promises to carry us even when we don't feel his arms around us.'