Saturday, 2 August 2008

A return to Blogging

Why bother with blogging?

As you can tell, I've not written a post for months and it may have seemed this blog was never to be revived (the way of most non-serious blogger types I'm told).

Should one blog for the sake of dialogue? Sure, and there are many great examples of this cyber discourse, debate and interraction.
Should one blog for the sake of ones readers? Sure, if you have something creative and/or important to say and people have demonstrated a desire to hear.

I have a sense that neither of these reasons apply to me and my blog.

So what bother with blogging? (I ask myself, since as I have already admitted, there may be no readers out there!)

My answer is that I found, when I was blogging, that my reading was more thoughtful, and my roaming daily thoughts were forced to develop with greater clarity. So... the blogging goes on.


Anonymous said...

Hey there phil. Good to see the 'blooging' will continue!

Philip Britton said...

adjustment made. Cheers.

Jill said...

Good to see you back on line Phil

Matty Ho said...

Hi Phil... good to see you'll continue the blogging fun. Good to read a bit here and there and see what you're up to... I notice you're reading Midnight's Children at the moment... What's it like? It's been sitting beside my bed for months now but I've been slack and not got in to it. Anyway, keep up the good work