Wednesday 28 January 2009

New Life

Woke up this morning, and I got myself out of bed.
I put this shirt on, then I went downstairs.
I made a coffee. I made some toast and vegemite.
Read the paper, and then I closed the front door.

I got to work and sat down at my desk.
I made a phonecall; she said that she was depressed.
I made a coffee and looked at my pile of work.
I thought to myself, what the hell is all this worth.

I saw my boss and he said, "Phil you are a drag."
He said, "This company will not tolerate your crap."
I made a coffee as I gathered up my stuff,
then walked out of the office to get me a new life.

He walked the dusty roads; He led a band of lowly men;
Washed their feet and told them stories of the King.
He died a brutal death; they say He'd done to wrong.
Then He came back again, it was to give me a new life.