Friday, 25 January 2008

Green on Baptism - III

Green surveys the baptisms of John and Jesus in the Gospels as to their relevance to Christian baptism. He summarises:

"The baptism of Jesus, then, while being unique, has much to teach us about Christian baptism. It is the pledge of the Spirit. It is the mark of Sonship. It is the call to the path of the servant. It is commissioning for ministry.
These are all aspects in Christian baptism, but Christian baptism takes us farther still. It catches us up into the baptism of Jesus, no less. And this baptism has three mighty strands woven into it.
First, there was the 'baptism' of repentance in Jordan, administered by John, with which Jesus willingly identified himself on our behalf.
Second, there was the 'baptism' of the cross, where he dealt with the sin of the world and made possible the justification of the ungodly.
Third, there was the 'baptism' of the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit came powerfully on him and equipped him for ministry.
And we are caught up by baptism into all of this. We go down with Jesus into the water of repentance. We claim for ourselves the justification he won on Calvary. And we look to the Holy Spirit to fill us and equip us for ministry."

-Baptism; It's purpose, practice and power. Michael Green. pp27-28. Paternoster, USA (2006).

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