Saturday, 3 November 2007

Movember - It begins

I've joined a team to celebrate Movember (check out the website for information). This is the first instalment of a short photo diary of my experience.
I've decided to grow my Mo in homage to Errol Flynn.


Anonymous said...

Looking good Phil. Just don't copy Errol's behaviour. I can't wait to see the progress!
Follow the link to view who I will be dedicating my Mo to.

Happy growing!

Anonymous said...

Mate if that is day three then your prospects are certainly promising! I'm also underway and looking to cultivate something of a Godfather 'tache.

And how appropriate Phil, since for you these issues are business, not personal.

Philip Britton said...


Great to be in such magnificent company.

Indeed Dan. There are a few brothers at the Children's hospital also cultivating their Mo's.