Sunday, 21 October 2007

Top Five - Music Albums

I love music. There a great songs, there are great artists, and there are great albums; when all the songs combined create a tone, a shape, a feel that surpasses the achievement of each individual song.

Top five music albums I own.

1. U2 - The Joshua Tree.
2. Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run.
3. Miles Davis - Kind of Blue.
4. Norah Jones - Come Away with Me.
5. Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet.

[I know this is cheating, but some others that could have made the list...
Oasis - What's the Story Morning Glory.
Pearl Jam - Verses.
Radiohead - The Bends.
Texas - White on Blonde.
Sting - Brand New Day.
Counting Crows - August and Everything After...]

1 comment:

AndrewE said...

I like that Norah Jones got in there. It's a great album isn't it?
