Sunday, 21 October 2007

Idol worship?

Check out this article - 'Ten slaps gag on Idol worship' - in the herald today. Most of you would be familiar with the 'Today/Tonight' segments exposing the so-called AOG church affiliations of the Australia idol finalists.
I quote from the article;

"After television reports suggested some finalists were being supported by a huge Christian voting audience, the makers of the show have tried to distance themselves from the issue.
Although no wrongdoing has been proved (most Idol contestants have huge communities supporting them, whether it be a country town or a church community) television chiefs are concerned about the effect of the stories on the "street cred" of the show."

Is it just me, or is this so typical of our secular-materialist society. Vocal community support of individuals in sport, music, the arts is widely praised unless it comes from a religious organisation. Then it is weird, subversive, conspiratorial. People have been taught to be paranoid about organised spirituality. Thoughts?

1 comment:

Laura T said...

I think Jesus warned us this would happen, but its still also surprises me when it's so blatant.