Tuesday, 17 July 2007

wines worth trying

For July I have chosen:

Elliot Rocke Estate, Mudgee, NSW.
2005 - Premium Unwooded Chardonnay.

From a great little boutique winery in Mudgee, this fresh, vibrant, sharp unwooded chardonnay is a lovely wine. Unwooded chardonnays, unlike their bigger oaked brothers (which I like, though many avoid), are accessible, and complement a wide variety of foods. I'd try this one with a non-cream based indian curry like Balti.


Simon (aka: 'Jacko') said...

Hey Phil!

I'll give it a go mate. Adele enjoys the unwooded variety so we'll enjoy trying that one.

I was almost going to purchase a bottle of a Mudgee Shiraz the other night but wnet against it for a Clare Valley 2005 Shiraz CLEANSKIN!!! Very tasty! Very cheap! $5.90!

I figured that Tim Knappstein produced a tasty 05 Shiraz in the Clare Valley so I gave it a go - very impressed!!

Go well brother - Jacko

Meg said...

Try a Giant Steps Merlot - v nice.