Saturday, 12 May 2007

All Authority

Resurrection is also rightly understood and as enthronement. It is the definitive declaration that Jesus is Lord. Having carried the weight of sin and evil on himself unto death, Jesus overcomes. He is risen!
The risen Jesus declares "All authority in heaven (God's place) and earth (our place) has been given to me..." The entire cosmos is rightfully his.
This truth comes with an imperative for Jesus people*, "Therefore go and make disciples of all people..." There is a sense in which the Jesus 'land' needs to be occupied.

Could it be that the God reigning in Zion is no longer localised as Temple/Jerusalem/Israel but has a different locus as Jesus/Church/World? I am getting ahead of myself though... Suffice it to say, I think that because of the Lordship of Jesus the promised land is, in a sense, rightfully understood as the whole world and the way there is discipleship to Jesus.

*I make the assumption here that this command does not exclusively apply to the disciples themselves, but is an enduring command to all Jesus people.

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