Friday, 9 March 2007

...promised land...?

In what may be the greatest rock 'n roll song of all time The Boss aka. Bruce Springsteen sings, "...whooaa come take my hand, we're riding out tonight to case the promised land..."
Martin Luther King Jnr. famously exclaimed, "...I have seen the promised land."
In a great old hymn, most recently re-released by Jars of Clay on an album called 'Redemption Songs', the chorus repeats, "I am bound, I am bound, I am bound for the promised land."

This blog definitely is not the promised land itself, but is an attempt at a dialogue (internally and hopefully externally) about what a promised land might look like... (the blog may digress at times, though the underlying intent will be there).

I have an instinct that the promised land is in fact all around us. We can taste it, see it, smell it, feel it... I also have an instinct that it is a long way away, barely visible through the haze, just above the horizon line...

What do you think? You will most certainly be hearing more from me.

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