Saturday, 23 August 2008


Death comes;
it's dark spectre rising
swooping, diving
creeping, writhing.
The end is near.
We wait in fear.
A fog
closes in around us.
Final breaths.
Silence screams.

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Wait upon the Lord

Psalm 147:10-11

He does not delight in the strength of the horse;
He does not take pleasure in the legs of a man.
The LORD favors those who fear Him,
Those who wait for His lovingkindness.

My hairy, scrawny legs could never be conceived of as attractive by anyone, so it is with some relief that I find this passage in scripture.
Less flippant, of course, is the meaning of these verses. Here we have the powerful emphasis that God delights not in the independence, but the dependence of man; God takes pleasure in the way we acknowledge our poverty when we receive from His riches; God favors those who realise the awesome majesty of his power by fearing Him and who trust in His mercy by waiting for his kindness.
These verses are so offensive because they assume that humankind's greatest achievements are unimpressive before God (cf. Isaiah 40), that any attempts at self-glorification on humankind's behalf are idolatrous and that God rightly thwarts them (cf. Genesis 11).
This is the God-centredness of God that demands God-centredness from His creation.

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Top Five - reasons to love coffee

Coffee is one of the oldest and most important world commodities. It is mysterious and powerful.

Reasons to love it...

1. The smell - earthy, rich and pervasive. Wafting enticingly from cool coffee houses.

2. The kick - invigorating, energising and kinetic. Just what is required on these winter mornings.

3. The taste - bittersweet, bold and smooth. Always different; evolving, elusive.

4. The fellowship - warm, stimulating and intriguing. Minds come together over the dark brew.

5. The commodity - grown in some of the world's poorest places. When a fair price is paid, much good can be achieved.

Saturday, 2 August 2008

A return to Blogging

Why bother with blogging?

As you can tell, I've not written a post for months and it may have seemed this blog was never to be revived (the way of most non-serious blogger types I'm told).

Should one blog for the sake of dialogue? Sure, and there are many great examples of this cyber discourse, debate and interraction.
Should one blog for the sake of ones readers? Sure, if you have something creative and/or important to say and people have demonstrated a desire to hear.

I have a sense that neither of these reasons apply to me and my blog.

So what bother with blogging? (I ask myself, since as I have already admitted, there may be no readers out there!)

My answer is that I found, when I was blogging, that my reading was more thoughtful, and my roaming daily thoughts were forced to develop with greater clarity. So... the blogging goes on.